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A rewarding experience awaits you as we demystify salary packaging.
Novated Leasing
The real value in a taking out a novated lease is that it saves you the GST on the purchase cost and running expenses of the vehicle, as well as income tax savings. The combination of these savings make it difficult to compare interest rates from vehicle to vehicle. The interest rate is one small component of the overall package, so to make a more effective real-world comparison of different quotations, it’s better to compare the effect on your salary and take-home pay.
There are several options available to you. You will be able to transfer the novated lease to your partner’s name and partner’s employer. You may also continue to make the finance payments yourself directly to the financier. Or you might be able to pay out the lease and cease salary packaging.
Most extras can be included in your package, but only if included at the start of the lease as part of the overall vehicle package. You won’t be able to add extras after that time.
The value of salary packaging is in your ability to save income tax on your wages, and have your employer pay GST. Depending on your company structure it may be possible, but if not, you may wish to contact us to discuss Chattel Mortgages which are another way of saving on motor vehicles and are available to self-employed people.
Most people certainly can. As long as your salary level is high enough to support the necessary salary deductions.
Yes, as long as the vehicle will not be older than nine years at the end of the lease.
Salary Packaging
If you’re an employee of an FBT-exempt employer, then both benefits are available to you. If you are an employee of an FBT rebatable employer, then only the living expenses benefit is available to you. If you are employed by neither type of employer, then unfortunately you will not be able to use these benefits.
Your salary package is not locked in, and in most cases you’ll be able to make changes during the year, depending on the agreement we have with your employer. You can also suspend your package for extended times if you are taking leave without pay. We’re here to help and explain the alternatives to you, so please don’t hesitate to contact us if your current package is not meeting your needs.
Once you leave your employer for any reason, your employee benefits card needs to be cancelled. Any remaining balance will be transferred back to your pay office for payment back to you.
Your employer is required to submit an FBT Return to the ATO annually. Much the same as your PAYG income tax deductions, depending on your employer’s history and size of company, they may be required to transfer amounts to the ATO monthly or quarterly, or they may be permitted to hold the funds until the annual tax return and then submit the amount to the ATO. We do assist some employers with this, depending on their requirements. In any case, once it has been deducted from your salary it is held securely until payment to ATO is required.
Yes. In most cases there will be a small manual processing fee charged to you, depending on the agreement we have with your employer.
Discounted salary packaging fees are negotiated directly with your employer. We regularly review these fees to ensure you receive true value.
In most cases your payroll office will have these forms available. You are welcome to contact us of course and we will forward the forms to you.
Salary packaging your next car is a good decision; see how it can work for you. Call 1300 303 357 and speak to one of our friendly specialists.
Find out how much you can save on a new or used vehicle with a novated lease through SalaryMasters. Enter your details and we will get in touch with you shortly.